Hima Anjar, a wildlife sanctuary and refuge to the Eurasian Penduline Tit, Remiz pendelinus in Lebanon
By Dr. Ghassan Jaradi- Ornithologist
The Penduline Tit is only found breeding in hanging nests over the water of Assi River in the North and over the water of Al Ghazal River at Anjar. I admired the people of Anjar on three occasions:
1) when they offered the Syrian Serin Serinus syriacus that is globally threatened a high level of protection,
2) when the Mayor has sent last March members from the municipal police to protect a number of White Storks that roosted on top of the arcades of Anjar ruins
3) when I recently discovered that Anjar people knew about the fact that the Penduline Tit is a breeding species on their lands but they didn’t tell others about it to just protect it from shooters. We should all be proud of Anjar, particularly Berj Tamborian who is contributing to safeguarding the wildlife of Hima Anjar.