Important Bird Areas-IBAs: Palm Islands Nature Reserve

Location: The three islands lie approximately 5.5 km north-west of the city of Tripoli. Total area: 500 ha

IBA Criteria met: A1

Explanation: A1 Several globally threatened bird species such as Audouin’s Gull, Dalmatian Pelican, and Corncrake can be observed here. The reserve has been designated a “Mediterranean Specially Protected Area” under the Barcelona convention, as well as a “Wetland of Special International Importance” (Ramsar- 2001). Resting place for 156 species of migratory birds (including many rare and endangered species). Rich in medicinal plants, fish species, sea sponges and other sea life.

Habitat: The islands represent an eastern Mediterranean marine ecosystem made up of three flat, rocky islands of eroded limestone substratum rising to 6m above sea level. There is a freshwater well on Palm Islands, as well as some half-built concrete buildings and some ruins from antiquity

Other wildlife interest: The sandy beaches of the islands are of global importance as a nesting site for endangered marine Turtles (Caretta caretta, Chelonas mydas).

Threats: Hunting, tourism/ recreation, Pollution

The islands represent an eastern Mediterranean marine ecosystem made up of three flat, rocky islands of eroded limestone substratum rising to 6m above sea level.
The islands represent an eastern Mediterranean marine ecosystem made up of three flat, rocky islands of eroded limestone substratum rising to 6m above sea level.

Current conservation measures & future plans: declared by law as a nature reserve in 1992. Managed by Palm Islands Nature Reserve committee under the supervision of the Ministry of Environment. A management plan exists but needs updating based on current developments and assessments.

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